i started a blog | 7/4/2023

by worldwidepixel

I created a new website. This! It's a blog.

Hello internet!
I have decided to start a blog. It will cover my interests (whatever they are) while trying to look professional.

Why start a blog? I decided to start a blog because I realized that the social media space is sort of falling apart right now. You know what I'm talking about, Twitter, Reddit? I'm not really smart enough to understand mastodon, but I made an account there anyway (actually, two!) just in case I need one.

What do you expect to come out of this blog? I am hoping to be able to connect to other people in a new way, and perhaps learn more about web development.

Hey! At least without that comment section, I can't receive critisism!

In all fairness, I am planning to address some of these issues. GITHUB PAGES IS FREE!
--just not that one. I may add some user engagement features. Not like they will ever be used!

Thank you for reading!
